No HOPE in Daylight Saving Time!

clock confusionWe interrupt the regularly scheduled blog post about spiritually single ladies in the Bible to write an assignment for the 7-Day Blogging Challenge I’m trying to participate in. I say “trying” because I completely lost a day when LIFE happened on Day #2 and on Day #3! So, I’m skipping the assignment for Day #2, for the moment … I’ll be back to catch that later today – that is, unless LIFE throws me another one of “those” days!

Yesterday’s assignment was to write a post that picks a fight. Our challenge leader, Jeff Goins, gave a number of reasons why we should approach writing from this perspective, and trusting his wisdom, I’m going to give it a shot. But, this is not an easy assignment for this grandmother. You know grandmothers are supposed to be peacemakers and mediators. We’ve spent our whole life mediating fights between our kids and, and now, their kids, attempting to bring peace and love and joy into our homes. We’re supposed to be sweet and loving, wearing smiles and aprons with a bit of cookie dough smeared on the front! And, although, that’s NOT a picture of this grandmother, I still am a die-hard non-confrontationist (Is that even a word?)! So the very idea of “picking a fight” just goes against the grain for me!

That was true until yesterday! I mentioned that LIFE happened and threw me off-track. I was busy, busy, busy, but just dragging through the busy-ness. I’ve had busy days before, and I usually take them in stride and plow on through. But yesterday I just couldn’t catch up. I was frustrated because I couldn’t get through the “have-to” list so I could get to my “want-to” list (like the Blog Challenge!). Then I realized that my get-up-and-go left with the hour we lost Sunday morning when Daylight Saving Time arrived!

Now I prefer living life within the rules! I don’t like to make waves. So if Uncle Sam says “spring forward” I tend to spring; and then when he says “fall back” I follow suit! However, with every year I gain and every hour I loose, I get a bit more frustrated, if not downright angry, with good-ole Uncle! Whoever thought up this concept of “Daylight Saving Time” must have been crazy! Can we even save daylight by stealing an hour of time? And what’s even crazier, is that NO ONE seems to like it, and yet we ALL keep changing our clocks back and forth as we grumble and complain about how stupid it is!

I suppose there are those who actually like the teeter-totter, back-and-forth, energy-sapping, and schedule-skewing of DST. But, I don’t!

It seems to me that God, in His Ultimate Wisdom, created the world with a PERFECT scheme in place to coordinate waking and sleeping, working and resting, sowing and reaping, and all the other systems of life. But man came along with his appointments and deadlines, clocks and watches, and decided to improve on perfection! I guess we can no longer depend on sundials to get us up and at it in today’s world, but somehow I don’t think we need to mess with that one hour every spring and fall! And how does one little hour make such a major impact on life anyway!

It has been suggested that we “split the difference” and then leave well-enough alone! So come November we should “fall back” only one-half hour, then never touch the clock again! Problem solved! Except for those few rational states that never adopted the stupid crazy DST idea in the first place!

But, alas, like most issues of a political nature, this craziness will go on, and on, and on! It seems once we create a rut, no matter how insane or senseless, we can’t ever get out of it! DST is most likely here to stay, whether we like it or not, whether it makes sense or not, we’re stuck with it! SIGH! I guess it’s silly to waste energy that’s already sapped on a lost hour! We’ll get it back in November, right! Yeah, right!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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