Beyond the Sorrow (Nashville, TN: Countryman, 2005)

There’s Hope in the Promises of God

In the author’s words: “This story is not just my life’s story. All who risk loving, risk losing the one they love. Sometimes that loss comes through death of the one we love, other times love itself seems to have died when a relationship is broken. In every loss, we have to look to the very source of love, to Jesus Christ, for strength to keep pressing on. He has given us precious promises in His Word to bring the pieces of our lives back together. The Bible is like an eternal love letter that will give us hope through all of life’s trials and unite our hearts with His.”

Tammy wrote “Beyond the Sorrow” after the sudden, accidental death of her husband. She has experienced great sorrow, yet has found great peace in the presence of God. And she has shared her experience in a way that brings comfort to others who find themselves dealing with the loss of a loved one. This book was a source of comfort and hope during the days following my dad’s home-going. I picked it up again the other day to re-read as a resource in my on-going study of HOPE, and found it just as inspiring as the first time I read it.

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