Undone: A Story of Making Peace with an Unexpected Life (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2015)

HOPE in an Undone Life!

Michele Cushatt has opened her heart and bared her soul as she shares the story of her “undone” life. With tears and laughter, pain and poignancy, she reveals herself and her family, in a way that endears them to her readers and allows us to share in the reality of her life — the horror of cancer, the pain of parenthood, and the joy of seeing God work it all together for good. This was without a doubt one of the most inspiring books I have ever read. I was privileged to receive and read an advance copy as part of the book launch team; and when my “real” copy arrived on my Kindle I read it again, highlighting passage after passage of inspiration! This book is a must-read for anyone who has experienced an “undone” life … and that would be everyone!

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