Is There HOPE for America?

Some thoughts on the Fourth of July

Fourth of July Flag & FireworksAnother Fourth of July has come and gone, and with it the warm-fuzzies of patriotic parades and fireworks displays. Now we’re back to the political cynicism, the racial unrest, the moral decline that fill the pages of daily newspapers, and monopolize the commentaries of the talking-heads of CNN and FOX News. And along with all that, the question is raised: Is there HOPE for America?

Generally, I keep my political views and opinions to myself. I choose not to argue or debate issues of politics or religion or morality. I tend to take my stand and leave others to theirs, without passing judgment … at least not audibly! But I must admit that I’m distressed by the obvious way our nation has turned from God and His Word. And I wonder what kind of society my grandchildren will inherit.

It would be easy to assess the current situation as hopeless! However, having spent yesterday (July 4, 2015) thinking about our country, our freedom, our future, I believe there is HOPE for a return, a revival, a renewed allegiance to God … but, no doubt, at a high price.

It was Ruth Graham who said, “If God doesn’t soon bring judgment upon America, He’ll have to go back and apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!”* As I read the headlines and listen to the nightly news, I wonder how long before God brings judgment on this nation that celebrates sin and denounces religion.

And yet … there is HOPE!

I’m reading through the Bible this year, and yesterday I finished the books of I & II Kings. Over, and over, and over, I read of kings who “did evil in the sight of the Lord,” who led God’s people to worship idols, sacrificing their own children to pagan gods, turning their backs on the God who rescued them and brought them into His Promised Land. (Please, don’t read anything into this with regard to my opinion of our current national leaders … let them speak for themselves! I’m only relating what I read in scripture!) Through the years and years of evil kings, every now and then there would be a king who repented and turned back to God and attempted to lead the people back from their sinful ways. Sadly, those revivals didn’t last, and in time, the people were conquered, captured, and carted off as slaves to a foreign land.

End of story? Not quite! There was HOPE!

In yesterday’s Our Daily Bread reading, Dave Branon wrote about the Cyrus Cylinder discovered in 1879 in modern day Iraq. On it was inscribed the account of King Cyrus allowing a group of people to return to their homeland to rebuild their “holy cities.” It’s the same story related in Ezra, and Daniel, and Nehemiah. “Together, the Cyrus Cylinder and God’s Word combine to show us that the king’s heart was changed and he allowed the exiled Hebrews to go home and worship.” HOPE!

Branon goes on to say: “This story has great implications for us today. In a world that seems out of control, we can rest assured that God can move the hearts of leaders. We read in Proverbs 21:1 that ‘the king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord.’ And Romans 13:1 says that ‘there is no authority except from God.’

“The Lord, who is able to change our own hearts as well as the hearts of our leaders, can be trusted for He is in control. Let’s ask Him to work.” (Our Daily Bread, July 4, 2015)

The reading concludes with this thought: “Rather than complain, pray.” And I was reminded of the scripture in 2 Chronicles 7:14. “if my people, (God’s people, not national leaders, world leaders, politicians, etc.) who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

So, is there HOPE for America today? I think the answer is “Yes!” but it may come at a high price if we don’t get off our high horses and get down on our knees!

And in the words of Forrest Gump, “That’s all I have to say about that!”


*This statement frequently attributed to Billy Graham, actually originated with his wife, Ruth, during a review of her husband’s manuscript for his book, World Aflame, published in 1965. He had just finished a chapter vividly describing the sinful conditions in America, and gave it to Ruth to read. She was very much sobered by the writing and returned the document to the study where he was writing and laid it on his desk, saying, “Billy, if God doesn’t come soon and bring judgment upon the United States, He’s going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!”

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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