HOPE in a morning walk!

These boots were made for walking!

New Boots

New Boots!

Every morning Mollie (my faithful Lhasa-Schanzo companion) and I take a walk around the fields behind our house. This morning as I started my walk my phone buzzed notifying me of a Facebook message. After checking the message, I starting scanning the latest posts as Mollie and I took a little breather in the shade. I came across a beautiful photo of the Colorado mountains posted by my all-time favorite author, Michele Cushatt. She posted that she was heading to the mountains for some writing and solitude time. My first thought (confession time!) was “I am so jealous! I need to get away. I want some beautiful scenery and solitude!” Don’t get me wrong, Michele needs and deserves her solitude and time away, too … I certainly don’t begrudge her some peace and quiet. But, oh how I long for some quiet time, too! Some rest and relaxation. Some down time to unwind, debrief, and not be “on call” for anyone! Some time to read and write and do what I want to do, not what others want me to do! There now you know I’m not the sweet, little old lady I appear to be! I can be selfish and whiny, too!

Then I looked up from my phone and looked around me … it was as if God was saying, “Look at what I’ve provided for you – beautiful scenery and a few precious moments of quiet and solitude.” As I looked across the fields and down the walking trail, I was reminded that I have a touch of heaven in my own backyard. I don’t have to be jealous of anyone! So I spent the remainder of my walk “counting my blessings” and recognizing what God does for me every morning during these solitary moments.

He restores my soul. In Psalm 23, the NIV says “He refreshes my soul” … Those morning walks help me shake off the debris of the past day, clear my mind of the clutter and chaos or life, and take on the refreshment of a new day with all its hopes and possibilities.

He restores my body. My little one-mile walk around the fields is no doubt a giggle-point for those who are die-hard joggers or runners. But for me, the consistent daily stride in my heavy rubber muck boots burns a few calories, increases my heart rate, and renews my energy level.

Mom's Boots

Mom’s Boots

Speaking of boots … my mom gave me her old muck boots a few years ago. I don’t know how many years she wore them cleaning out horse stalls and working in her flower gardens, but I put a few miles on them myself until they finally wore out this spring. I popped holes and cracks in them until a morning walk ended with soggy socks. So I got my very own, brand-new pair of heavy rubber muck boots! At this stage of life, it doesn’t take much to make an old lady excited! I have to laugh at the Instagram photos of spike heels and fancy shoes … they don’t hold a candle to my precious new blue boots! But I digress . . . .

He restores my hope. Sometimes life gets heavy. I drag around its burdens and baggage all day and lie awake worrying at night until I’m tempted to throw up my hands and quit! I just want to give up and sink into oblivion. But, instead, I escape into the solitude of my morning walks and meet the Master Hope-Restorer! He reminds me that I’m not alone … I see His Hand in the wildflowers sprinkled across the field. I hear His still small voice in the breeze in the trees. I sense His Presence beside me as I slowly release the burdens and baggage and give them to Him.

I just wish I could leave the junk with Him. But I’ve been known to snatch it back as the day comes crashing in again! Until the next walk . . . . I’m doing a better job of trusting Him with life’s stuff … I’m a self-professed control-freak … I want to fix everything and everybody … but, I’m learning that I can’t … and shouldn’t … I’m learning to leave it to Him … Haven’t perfected it yet, but those morning walks help me adjust my perspective and release my death-grip on my life … Those walks refresh my soul, revive my body, and restore my hope!

How do you refresh, revive, and restore? Enjoy a virtual walk with me today and let God renew your spirit!

Walking Trail #1 Walking Trail #2 Walking Trail #3 Walking Trail #4 Walking Trail #5 Morning Walk Walking Trail #7 Walking Trail #8

Psalm 23 (NIV)
A psalm of David.

1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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